5.2.2. Mathematical, statistical and instrumental methods in economics

Education form
Teaching language
Start date
3 years

Place of study: Graduate School of Business Engineering, Institute of Industrial Management, Economics and Trade, SPbPU.

Program focus: development of mathematical apparatus of economic research, methods of its application and embedding in the tools to improve the validity of management decisions at all levels of the economy, as well as improving information technologies for solving economic problems.

The main requirements for entrants: to possess basic knowledge in the field of economic and mathematical modeling and information technology.

Summary of the curriculum (disciplines of the specialty):

Mathematical models and statistical methods in scientific research; Mathematical and instrumental methods of economics; Information systems and technologies in economics; Data processing by methods of mathematical statistics; Methodology and technology of information systems design; Methods of statistical analysis and modeling; Mathematical and instrumental methods of business analytics; Methods of econometric modeling: modeling of interdependent processes.

Planned results of mastering the Program:

Graduate students who have studied the disciplines of the program should be competent in the following areas: design and development of the mathematical apparatus of economic systems analysis (mathematical economics, econometrics, applied statistics, game theory, optimization, decision-making theory, discrete mathematics); theory and methodology of economic and mathematical modeling, research its possibilities and application ranges in the form of mathematical, information and computer models.

The concept of postgraduate training is based on the principles of scientific and academic mobility of postgraduate students, including participation in real corporate projects, internships.

Research priorities and key areas of research on the Program:

- Theoretical and methodological issues of application of mathematical, statistical, econometric and instrumental methods in economic research.

- Types and types of economic-mathematical and econometric models, the methodology of their use for the analysis of economic processes, objects and systems.

- Design and development of mathematical and econometric models of the analysis of economic processes (including in the historical perspective) and their forecasting.

- Design and development of mathematical and computer models and tools for analysis and optimization of decision-making processes in economic systems.

- Development and evaluation of models of general and partial economic equilibrium.

- Input-output models.

- Models of production functions. 

- Optimization models in economics.

- Theoretical and game models in economic research.

- Design and development of mathematical models of global economy, econometric and statistical methods of branch, inter-branch, inter-regional and inter-country socio-economic analysis.

- Computer methods and programs for modeling economic processes.

- Simulation modeling. Development and evaluation of simulation models of economic processes.

- Agent-based modeling of complex economic systems.

- Econometric and statistical methods of data analysis, hypothesis formation and testing in economic research. Econometric and economic-statistical modeling.

- Methods of analysis of Big data in economic research.

- Experimental methods in economic research. Laboratory and "field" experiments, interpretation of their results.

- Development and application of tools for the development of decision support systems in economic policy and national interests.

- Development and application of tools for the design, development and maintenance of information systems in the interests of subjects of economic activity.

Liudmila Guzikova
Liudmila Guzikova

Doctor of Economics

Professor of Higher School of Engineering and Economics
Andrey Zaytsev
Andrey Zaytsev

Doctor of Economic Sciences

Professor of Higher School of Engineering and Economics

Igor Ilin
Igor Ilin

Doctor of Economics

Head of the Higher School of Business Engineering

Head of the Laboratory - Laboratory "Interdisciplinary Research and Education on technological and economic problems of energy Transition (CIRETEC-GT)"

Anastasia Levina
Anastasia Levina

Doctor of Economics

Professor of Higher School of Business Engineering

Angi Skhvediani
Angi Skhvediani

Candidate of economic sciences 

Associate Professor - Higher School of Engineering and Economics