
  • Step 1 – Qualifying round
    September 05 – November 20, 2024
    Registration of participants.
    Uploading the portfolio to the system by the participants.
    Publication of the results of the first stage.
  • Step 2 – Final round
    December 05, 2024 – January 10, 2025
    Online tests.
    Publication of the results of the second stage. Appeal.
    Determination of prize-winners and winners on the Bachelor's track.
Award winners
Participants who have successfully passed the two rounds and whose overall score puts them in the top 25% shall be deemed “Award Winners”.

Sign up as a participant

Participation in the Olympiad is a unique opportunity for early admission to a tuition-free Bachelor's, Master's or PhD program at one of the leading universities in Russia

Business & Management

Biology & Biotechnology

Engineering & Technology

Computer & Data Science

Education & Psychology

Politics & International Studies

Physical Sciences && Technology