2.6.4. Metal plastic deformation
Metal forming is a field of science and technology that deals with the development of theoretical and technological problems aimed at creating environmentally friendly new and improving existing methods, processes and technologies for metal forming, providing savings in material and energy resources, improving the quality indicators of metal products and expanding its range with the purpose of increasing the efficiency of production in various industries.
Research areas:
- Research and calculation of deformation, speed, force, temperature and other parameters of various processes of metals, alloys and composites by pressure.
- Research of processes of plastic deformation of metals, alloys and composites by means of methods of physical and mathematical modeling.
- Study of the structure, mechanical, physical, magnetic, electrical and other properties of metals, alloys and composites in the processes of plastic deformation.
- Optimization of pressure treatment processes and technologies for the production of metal products with specified quality characteristics.
- Mathematical description of the processes of plastic deformation of metals, alloys and composites in order to create mathematical models, methods, processes and technologies.
- Development of methods, processes and technologies for the production of metal products, ensuring environmental safety, saving material and energy resources, improving the quality and expanding the range of products.
- Study of the interaction of metals and alloys with external environments in the conditions of operation of various technical devices, assessment and prediction on this basis of the performance of metals and alloys.
- Study of the performance of metals and alloys in various conditions, selection and recommendation of the most economical and reliable metal materials for specific technical purposes in order to reduce metal consumption, increase the service life, increase the level of specified physical and chemical characteristics of machine parts, mechanisms, devices and structures.
- Study of the contact interaction of a plastically deformable material and an elastically deformable working tool in order to increase its durability and reliability of operation.
- Study of plastic deformation of metals in combined processes of casting-rolling, casting-pressing and casting-forging in order to develop energy-efficient and material-saving technologies.
The curriculum contains profile and auxiliary disciplines; preparation for examinations of the candidate's minimum in English and the history of science and technology is provided.
Profile disciplines in the curriculum:
• Technology of forging and stamping production
• Modern methods for analyzing the structure and properties of materials
• Management of the structure and properties of materials
• Features of the formation of the structure and properties of metallic nanomaterials
Achievements of the institute/scientific school in this area - topics of implemented R&D projects:
• Physical modeling on the Gleeble thermomechanical simulator hot rolling and controlled cooling processes, PJSC SeverStal
• Development of a technology for the production of rolled products with a round section with a diameter of 28 to 100 mm from structural and spring steel grades, providing a surface quality of 2GP according to GOST 14959, as well as excluding the formation of surface defects, PJSC SeverStal
• Study of the processes of structure formation in the industrial production of high-strength heat-treated steels and the development of mathematical models for their quantitative description and prediction of a complex of final mechanical properties, taking into account the effects of alloying, Russian Science Foundation
Requirements for applicants: in addition to the general requirements for applicants to graduate school - knowledge of Russian / English in a level sufficient to work with Russian-language / English-language literary sources in the specialty.

Candidate of Technical Sciences
Associate Professor - Higher School of Physics and Technology of Materials
Leading researcher - Laboratory of Lightweight Materials and Structures