2.6.1. Metal science and heat treatment of metals and alloys

Chemical Technologies, Materials Sciences, Metallurgy
Education form
Teaching language
Start date
4 years

Metal science and heat treatment is a field of science and technology that studies the relationship between the chemical composition, crystal structure, structural state and properties of metals and alloys; development of physical and chemical foundations for the creation of new metallic materials with desired properties and new technological processes of thermal, chemical-thermal and thermomechanical processing.

The importance of solving scientific and practical problems of this specialty for the national economy lies in the creation of new metallic materials with a given level of physical, mechanical, chemical, technological and operational properties, ensuring a high level of stability of these properties, which makes it possible to efficiently and rationally use metals and alloys in fundamentally new designs and types of machines, devices, units, thereby ensuring scientific and technological progress.

Research areas:

- Study of the relationship between chemical and phase compositions (characterized by various types of diagrams), including phase diagrams with physical, mechanical, chemical and other properties of alloys.

- Theoretical and experimental studies of phase and structural transformations in metals and alloys occurring under various external influences.

- Theoretical and experimental studies of the influence of the structure (type, quantity and nature of the distribution of defects in the crystalline structure) on the physical, chemical, mechanical, technological and operational properties of metals and alloys.

- Theoretical and experimental studies of thermal, thermoelastic, thermoplastic, thermochemical, thermomagnetic, radiation, acoustic and other effects of changes in the structural state and properties of metals and alloys.

- Theoretical and experimental studies of the influence of the phase composition and structural state on the initiation and propagation of cracks under various types of external influences.

- Development of new and improvement of existing technological processes for volumetric and surface thermal, chemical-thermal, thermomechanical and other types of treatments associated with thermal exposure, as well as specialized equipment.

- Study of the interaction of metals and alloys with external environments in the conditions of operation of various technical devices, assessment and prediction on this basis of the performance of metals and alloys.

- Study of the performance of metals and alloys in various conditions, selection and recommendation of the most economical and reliable metal materials for specific technical purposes in order to reduce metal consumption, increase the service life, increase the level of specified physical and chemical characteristics of machine parts, mechanisms, devices and structures.

- Development of new principles for creating alloys with a given set of properties, including those for operation in extreme conditions.

- Development of new and improvement of existing methods of phase, structural and physico-chemical analysis of alloys.

- Determination of the mechanisms of influence of various mechanical, thermal, magnetic and other external influences on the structural state of metallic materials and the development on this basis of new principles and methods for testing them, providing reliable prediction of the performance of structures.

The curriculum contains profile and auxiliary disciplines; preparation for examinations of the candidate's minimum in English and the history of science and technology is provided.

Profile disciplines in the curriculum:

• Applied materials science

• Modern methods for analyzing the structure and properties of materials

• Management of the structure and properties of materials

• Features of the formation of the structure and properties of metallic nanomaterials

Achievements of the institute/scientific school in this area - topics of implemented R&D projects:

• Development of a technology for creating materials and products from a continuously reinforced polymer composite material based on carbon fiber with a shape memory effect using additive technologies, ROSATOM

• Development of technologies and additive equipment for direct growing of workpieces of non-nuclear island elements and spatial products using wire materials, ROSATOM State Corporation

• Development and material science substantiation of the creation of materials and products based on shape memory alloys with a controlled structure and piezoelectric ceramics using additive 4D technologies, ROSATOM State Corporation

• Development of scientific and technological foundations for the process of synthesis of functionally graded titanium alloys by selective laser melting, Russian Science Foundation

Requirements for applicants: in addition to the general requirements for applicants to graduate school - knowledge of Russian / English in a level sufficient to work with Russian-language / English-language literary sources in the specialty.

Anton Naumov
Anton Naumov

Candidate of Technical Sciences

Associate Professor - Higher School of Physics and Technology of Materials

Leading researcher - Laboratory of Lightweight Materials and Structures