2.1.2. Bases and Foundations, Underground Structures
Civil Engineering and Architecture
Education form
Teaching language
Start date
4 years
" Development of scientific foundations and practical methods of engineering-geological and hydrogeological surveys based on mathematical models of the soil environment and rocks and providing methods for calculating foundations and underground structures with initial information on the physical and mechanical characteristics of the soil environment and rocks and their changes as a result of various influences.
Creation of scientific and methodological foundations of foundation construction and underground construction in various engineering-geological, hydrogeological and climatic conditions, as well as under special natural and man-made influences.
Development of new methods of calculation and modeling of highly efficient structures, methods and technologies for the construction of underground structures for industrial and civil purposes.
Development of new methods of calculation, testing, construction and installation of foundations on a natural foundation, deep laying and pile foundations, taking into account their interaction with above-foundation structures, foundations of nearby buildings and structures and underground structures.
Dmitry Sharapov
Candidate of Technical Sciences
Associate Professor - Higher School of Hydraulic Engineering and Power Engineering
Head of the laboratory - Laboratory of Fundamental Principles of Ice Engineering Research